I love this time of year when once again we prepare ourselves to listen to the words of living prophets and apostles of God. Last night women from all over the world gathered together as disciples of Christ to feel of His love for us. We were fed spiritually as we listened to wonderful words of counsel from some our women leaders and a member of the First Presidency. Just like last spring when I created memes from each talk I did the same for the talks which were given last night at the September 2014 General Womens Meeting. Please feel free to share these far and wide! You can find quick summaries of their talks by clicking on their names. I will also be sharing my impressions later in another post. If you wish you can download each one to print (without the Cranial Hiccups logo) by clicking on the link below each photo. You DO NOT need a dropbox account to download! If the opening screen tells you to sign up there should be a small blue “No Thanks” at the bottom. Just click on that and it will take you to the download.
Sister Linda K. Burton – General Relief Society President

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Sister Jean A. Stevens – 1st Counselor in the General Primary Presidency

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Sister Neill F. Marriott – 2nd Counselor in the General Young Womens Presidency

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President Dieter F. Uchtdorf – 1st Counselor in the First Presidency

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I look forward to the general women’s meeting each year and this year was great! The messages were just what I needed to hear. Thank you for the time you put into making these cute little quotes!
Thanks so much for the printables! As a girl with limited funds, this helps bring the gospel message beautifully into my home!!