Have there been times in your life you have felt as if you are going through the refiner’s fire? What has kept you going? I know in my own life it has been my faith in God and the love of my family that keeps me going. I am willing to bet that most people would say something very similar, faith and family (and friends) keep you going in spite of the trials. The Prince of Peace provides the peace we need when our world seems to be falling apart. C.S. Lewis observed, “God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.”
It seems we have two choices when faced with difficulties (one might argue when things are going well too). We can either turn to God or turn away from Him. There is a story of a church class in which the teacher and some class members were discussing whether or not it was wise to allow the Willie and Martin Handcart companies to come across the plains when they did. An old gentleman listened for a while and then stood rebuking their remarks. He told of his own experience coming across in the Martin Handcart company with his wife. He ended by saying, “Was I sorry that I chose to come by handcart? No. Neither then nor any minute of my life since. The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay, and I am thankful that I was privileged to come in the Martin Handcart Company.”
President James E. Faust taught,
Here, then, is a great truth. In the pain, the agony, and the heroic endeavors of life, we pass through a refiner’s fire, and the insignificant and the unimportant in our lives can melt away like dross and make our faith bright, intact, and strong. In this way the divine image can be mirrored from the soul. It is part of the purging toll exacted of some to become acquainted with God. In the agonies of life, we seem to listen better to the faint, godly whisperings of the Divine Shepherd.
Yesterday the Mormon Channel released a new video. It is heart achingly beautiful.
I love hymns. I enjoy playing the piano or organ on Sundays accompanying the congregation in singing praises to the Lord. I especially enjoy reading the words of the hymns, short sermons that teach and guide. They express so wonderfully the feelings of the heart and soul.
The stories behind the hymns can be fascinating, but so too can the stories of when hymns touch people’s lives. Reading Elder Quentin L. Cook’s talk, which the video is based off of, reminded me of one of my favorite stories shared in an Ensign article many years ago that shows even in the midst of a great trial the Lord is there.
This story concerns a young girl, the fourth child in a family of six children. Her name is Heather. Three of the children, including Heather, suffered from a rare disease called glutaric acidemia. In each case, the onset of the disease occurred during the first year of life when an enzyme attacked the brain, causing paralysis. The disease results in acid forming in the muscles similar to that which occurs following a period of intense physical activity. The problem faced by the children was that the acid never leaves and causes great pain. Cindy, the first child with the disease, died at the age of 23. She was one of the oldest living persons known with the disease. At death she weighed about 40 pounds.
Soon after Heather’s birth, the parents realized that she would be physically handicapped and that her spirit would be housed in a body with great restrictions. As she grew, she was confined to a wheelchair, was unable to speak, and could send messages only with her eyes. A direct gaze and a smile meant yes. A blink meant no. Despite the handicaps, one could feel her vibrant spirit.
As Heather progressed, it became obvious to her parents that she was extraordinarily bright. She would play guessing games with the family using her limited means to communicate. When she was old enough, the parents enrolled Heather in a special school to see if she could learn to speak. The teacher was a gifted therapist. One morning as Heather and the teacher visited about the prior weekend, the teacher learned that Heather had attended Primary. The teacher then sang for Heather “When He Comes Again.”
The expression on Heather’s face revealed the delight within her. When the teacher asked Heather if she had a favorite song, the young girl’s wide eyes and engaging smile left little doubt. But what was the song? Through a series of questions, the teacher learned that Heather’s song was one she had heard in Primary. She wasn’t sure which songbook it was in, but it was about Jesus. The teacher sang all the songs she could think of, but to no avail. However, Heather was not about to quit; she wanted to share her favorite song. At the end of the day, the two were still searching. The teacher agreed to bring her songbooks to school the next day.
On the following morning, Heather and her teacher continued the quest. From the first hymn to the last, the little girl blinked her eyes, indicating no. They were still unsuccessful. Finally, the teacher told Heather that her mother would have to help her find the song and then they would sing it.
The next day Heather arrived with the green Church hymnal tucked in her chair, but there was no marker. So they began with the first hymn. The teacher would sing the first part of each song, and Heather would give her answer. After the first 100 hymns, there were 100 no’s. After 200 hymns there had been 200 no’s. Finally, the teacher began to sing, “There is sunshine in my soul today.” Heather’s body jumped, and a big smile crossed her face. Her eyes gazed directly into the teacher’s, indicating success after three days of searching. Both teacher and student rejoiced.
As the teacher sang the first verse and began the chorus, Heather mustered all her strength and joined in with a few sounds. After finishing the first verse and chorus, the teacher asked if she wanted to hear the rest of the verses, and Heather’s eyes opened wide with a firm yes. The teacher began to sing:
There is music in my soul today,A carol to my King,And Jesus listening can hearThe songs I cannot sing.Heather’s reaction to these lines was so strong that the teacher stopped. As the reality and significance of the words pressed on the teacher’s mind, she asked: “Heather, is that what you like about the song? Is that what you want me to know? Does Jesus listen? Does He hear the songs you cannot sing?”
The direct, penetrating gaze indicated yes.
Feeling guided by the Spirit, the teacher asked, “Heather, does Jesus talk to you in your mind and in your heart?”
Again, the child’s look was penetrating.
The teacher then asked, “Heather, what does He say?”
The teacher’s heart pounded as she saw the clear look in Heather’s eyes as the little girl awaited the questions that would allow her to share her insights.
“Does Jesus say, ‘Heather, I love you’?”
Heather’s radiant eyes widened, and she smiled.
After a pause, the teacher asked next, “Does He say, ‘Heather, you’re special’?”
The answer again was yes.
Finally the teacher asked, “Does He say, ‘Heather, be patient; I have great things in store for you’?”
Heather summoned all her strength, and her head became erect and her eyes penetrated the teacher’s soul. She knew she was loved, she was special, and she needed only to be patient.
Two years later, Heather died because of the ravages of the disease. Her younger brother Mark also suffers from the disease but not to the extent of his older sisters. He can talk, although it is not easy. As the parents discussed Heather’s passing and the funeral that would take place, Mark exclaimed, “No go Heather’s funeral!” Heather was his best friend. As the parents tried to explain death to him, he would not be consoled. He was crushed and did not want to attend the service. For two days he could not be persuaded.
On the morning of the funeral, the father went to Mark’s room to get him up. As he entered the room, Mark was sitting up in bed with a big smile on his face. His first words were, “Dad, go Heather’s funeral!”
The father responded, “Mark, what has changed your mind?”
“Dad, had dream.”
“What did you dream about, Mark?”
“Dad, dreamed about Heather.”
“Mark, what was Heather doing?”
“Oh, Dad, Heather running and jumping and singing, ‘There is sunshine in my soul today.’ Dad, go Heather’s funeral.”
We can indeed have sunshine in our souls even in the trials of today. If we keep our hearts turned to the Lord and express gratitude for the privilege of becoming even more acquainted with Him.
Loved this– brought tears to my eyes as I read it to my kids this morning.
I have just come across your website through Pinterest. I have been so touched by this post. Thank you for sharing. I, too, have experienced the Refiner’s Fire, and am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to care for loved ones who have great burdens to bear. Cancer has taken my husband; chronic illness has disabled my son; I cannot complain–the Lord has been so good to me and my family. I have had many blessings that tell me my experiences will be a blessing to others. I could not imagine how, but indeed it has happened, and continues to happen. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows the things we need. Thank you for sharing this post!