Have you ever heard of accreta? Basically its when the placenta begins to attach itself abnormally to the uterine wall. The worst form of accreta is called percreta where the placenta actually penetrates through the uterus and attaches to other organs such as the bladder. It is a very dangerous condition and my friend Jen had it two years ago during her last pregnancy with her eighth child.
Thankfully through many miracles which included skilled doctors and surgeons Jen survived and so did her baby, Ben! Her story is full of tender mercies, angels, miracles, and faith as well as hardship, heartache, and just plain awful days. You can read more about Jen and her family’s journey with Percreta on her blog. There are links on the left sidebar to specific posts. This post gives a basic run-down of the last month of her pregnancy and the delivery. Some of the photos still bring tears to my eyes! UPDATED: Jen wrote a summary of her story in a new post called Surviving Accreta- The story of Jenifer and Ben Moss.
Jen has entered a contest to become the 2015 HFA Face of Accreta for the Hope for Accreta Foundation. Could you please do a big favor and go vote for her photo?
Jen explained in a post why she chose this photo, “Just a little note– all of the other pictures in the competition are quite happy. I have some cute, happy pictures of Ben and me. I chose this picture because it is real. This is my picture of surviving Accreta. . .On Ben’s first birthday we went for traditional mom and me pictures. I was unprepared for the wave of gratitude, sorrow and emotion that I felt as I held this little guy. Accreta opened my heart to many who suffer. I feel honored to stand with these brave women.”
Thank you!
EDITED: Jen sent over some more information to add to this post.
Accreta– be aware! Too many women are facing undiagnosed Accreta these days. Early diagnosis saved my life. Here are some early warning signs–
-bleeding/spotting early in pregnancy or hemorrhaging in your 3rd trimester
-prior uterine surgery, c-sections, DNCs, or abortions
-placenta previa!! suspect Accreta anytime you have a placenta that is attached low and you have had previous uterine surgeries or multiple births
-early ultrasounds will show placental lakes, instead of your placenta appearing solid, it will look like Swiss cheese. Mmm
-blood tests will show a rise in Alphafetal protein.
Accreta is NOT a death sentence, but it is risky. Mothers with this condition need access to the incredible medical technology we have today.
Please share this post, vote for me, and spread the word!
Montse– thank you SO much for sharing my story. What a lovely surprise. We are so blessed to be mothers, to be alive, and to be surrounded by good people. You, my friend, are a good one. Xoxo
Thank you for the info and the sweet story. Hugs
The picture is perfect. Capturing that whole contrast of love and joy and blessing . . . and fear, loss and unknown. Love it.