If you get a chance you really should go and read the memories people have that involve aprons. It was a lot of fun to to read! I even found out some readers’ great-grandmother lived and cooked on a ranch just north of us. How cool is that? Now every one needs to go write their personal memories down and, voila, you’ve got a little bit of family history done. 🙂
Congrats to Melinda G! Random.org selected her as the winner of the Betty Apron. Look for an e-mail from me Melinda.
If you are looking for ideas on new things to try with your family read through the entries for the 52 Weeks to Fortify Your Family book. People spend some great quality time with one another! One of my favorites was from Shauna who said, “We love to put on our mommy-made capes, turn on the Christopher Reeves Superman theme music, and play cape chase.” Doesn’t that sound like a very fun way to get some exercise with your littles?
Congrats to Ambra! Random.org choose you as the winner of 52 Weeks to Fortify Your Family. Look for an e-mail from me, Ambra.
Thanks to all of you for entering! In a nice spin of events I feel like I got to know you a little bit more.
I’m so excited!! Thank you!!!
Can’t wait to receive this apron, and start more loving memories!!
I HEART Aprons!! And this one is so cute!!!