We have had such a mild winter. It is not what we need. We needed tons of rain and snow to build up the snowpack in the mountains. Our fields are watered with wells but the farm in Fallon is irrigated from the Truckee River. They might not get any of their water this coming year because of the severe drought conditions. Maybe, just maybe, it will change and we’ll get hit with storm after storm in March. We can always hope right?
In the meantime the kids have been enjoying the perfectly lovely weather – even going out barefoot.
Laura and Julia like making stick pictures with their dolls.
This swing made a couple of years ago by Mr. Ferrero Rocher has been a huge hit with kids of all ages. The bigger ones can swing really high while the younger ones enjoy a more milder ride. Although it can be tricky if you get too many on there at once! The video was taken last year and is slow motion. We laugh ever single time we watch it! No one was hurt just a few bonks on the head.
A good old rope hanging from the tree is one of the best outdoor toys ever. Perfect for swinging or building arm muscle by climbing.
Spring work has started out in the fields. It feels so weird to be doing this in February! The teens have been taking turns dragging the fields to break up the manure from the cows that pastured there this winter.
We’ve slowly been cleaning out the flower beds as the tulips and irises are already starting to grow. Spring may come sooner than we’d like but we’ll make the best of it!
It’s been the same here. I feel a little bit bad about how much I’m enjoying it because I know we need the rain and snow! But February is usually such a grey, dreary month and this one has been so beautiful! I do hope we get some big storms for the sake of all these western states. (And I love your swing pictures!!
Yes the west needs more rain. My parents in the Central Valley of California had their we’ll go dry last summer. Here is to praying for more rain!!
I’d like to remind all my out west friends that natural seasons are there for a reason! We got a very mild winter followed by an “early” spring a few years ago. The trees and plants started to bloom early and then got smacked by snow again. It destroyed most strawberry crops and ruined peach blossoms as well. Crops failed, very depressing. I’m not bitter or anything! 😉 It’s like a tundra over here in PA, but I keep telling myself that the snow will turn into the blossoms of spring soon enough…and at the right time. Meanwhile, I’m praying the Lord will temper the elements, as the cold can be deadly!
Might as well enjoy whatever weather you get, huh? Not much you can do about it! We’ve had a weird winter in Colorado, too. Finally got a good bit of snow this weekend, so maybe you will, too.
I think I could hate you right now….(said in good humor, of course). We had eight inches of snow, then two inches of freezing rain. Schools were out all of last week and our coastal town is still trying to figure out how to drive on packed ice. (I try to stay home). We’ve had snow before, but this time we had three straight days of low, single digit temps all day. This is really unprecedented here and the winds coming off the river made just being outside very dangerous.
We had just enough warm temps (in the 30’s) and rain this weekend to melt some of the ice/ snow. Unfortunately, we’re getting more freezing rain tonight. I wonder what our next week will bring.
I love that swing!!!! May I send you Jazz for a week or so?? She would so love to hang out with your girls!