The other day, as we were sitting around the table eating lunch, the topic of conversation turned to “Remember when…”
Does your family do that?
The older girls were laughing at the fun memories of having a fort, pretending to do CPR on a block of wood, finding glass bottles in the antique cars at our old place, being afraid of the neighbors’ dogs, etc.
Inevitably the stories turned to those where someone did something embarrassing. We hooted and howled as story after story was told. Of course we can laugh about it now. But then? Well, some of them we could, some of them we couldn’t.
I also realized my children provide much of my embarrassing episodes, usually through no fault of their own because of their age or, haha, sheer numbers.
I cannot count how many times I’ve been asked “Are they ALL yours?” or “Do you even have tv out there on the farm?” or “Did you even need a man to produce those girls? It’s like you took a cookie cutter and stamped them all out.” (said when all I had at the time were six girls) Most of these comments were of course said in front of an audience so there is much laughter by others, leaving my younger children to ask, “What do they mean ‘do you need a man’ and ‘do you have a tv’?” I can’t say I have handled all those with grace. Okay, so maybe I might have be downright rude back. But only once or twice. 😀
The most embarrassing episode, though, involves my second oldest, Marie, who happened to be 2 at the time. I was walking into the local grocery store with her in tow when we met an acquaintance who was coming out. His wife had just had a baby a few days before so we stopped to chat about how she was doing. As the conversation progressed I noticed Semisweet kept tugging at the gentleman’s pant leg. “Scuse, me. Scuse me!” Finally, when the conversation hit a lull, he looked down at her and asked, “Yes?” To which she pointed right at his belly and in a loud clear voice exclaimed, “You fat!”
Oh the horror! I’m sure if a Mexican can turn a shade of red that would have been a time it became evident.
I didn’t have any idea what to say. I tried to apologize but was flat out speechless. Her outburst was so unexpected and so, so . . . EMBARRASSING!
Thankfully, my friend was quicker on his feet than I was. He looked right back at Semisweet, smiled at her and answered, “Honey, you are right!” We bid farewell and I quickly headed into the store still mortified by my daughter’s comments. All turned out well. We met his parents in the lobby at church the following Sunday. They laughingly told us about D recounting the story for them. He held no hard feelings. At All. Whew!
So, please, tell me I am not the only one whose children say embarrassing things. Do you have any good stories to share?
My daughter was about 3 when we moved to an area of Corpus Christi that is right on the way to Padre Island. Most of the time the grocery store had people making a last stop for food before heading to the beach, so they were in beach attire. I had my little darling in the cart and as we shopped up and down each aisle. A woman in her swimsuit was doing the same. When my daughter noticed her, she loudly proclaimed, “Momma, she nakedy! That not modest!” I tried to shush her, but she continued to yell it out until I finally skipped over a few aisles. I was SO EMBARRASSED!!
One time my husband was walking out of the grocery store with our then three-year old son when my son very loudly points at a big man coming in asking, “Why is the ugly man naked? The man just smiled and laughed. My husband was mortified!
When my oldest was around 2 and my 2nd was a couple of months old my husband (who was a Marine at the time) had to go on a Navy ship for some training. We dropped him off on Friday and my oldest was quite upset over it. Sunday rolls around, I manage to get myself and both girls to church (an accomplishment that included 4 outfit changes for the baby and 2 for me lol) but we were late and snuck in right as sacrament was starting. In the middle of them passing the bread my 2yo stood up and announced to the room “Daddy s**t”.. I am very pale Irish girl, I blushed 50 shades of red. Thankfully it was all military members and military families in the branch so everyone thought it was so funny..
We had a FHE on reverence and not screaming in sacrament the following Monday lol. Its funny now, then not so much.