Our first crop of hay got rained on pretty bad. Rain is not good when the hay has been cut! The hay bleaches in the sun as it waits to dry out. Nutrients are leached out of the hay the longer it stays in the field. If you bale it too wet it will either mold or can cause fires when its in the stack. The moisture eventually will create too much heat causing it to combust. It’s not unusual for first crop to get rained on because of the spring storms. What is unusual is for second crop to get rained on.
Welcome the unusual.
Last week it rained every single evening. Not just a sprinkle but a good downpour every time! Our poor second crop is worse than first. This week it has finally, FINALLY cleared enough that the hay is able to be raked and baled.The teens raked and raked and raked some more.
Poor pitiful bleached out hay. Now the men have been busy baling and hauling trying to just get it all out of the fields.
A video posted by Montserrat Wadsworth (@cranialhiccups) on
Throwing a birthday in there helps too.
Am praying that all goes well with your farm and crops!
I love your farming posts. We live in a suburban postage stamp lot, but dream of a hobby farm and some country elbow room. Your farming posts are just fascinating. How happy that, when I have the first time for visiting blogs in aaaaages, it’s this kind of post!
Love the chocolate dump cake!
We’ve prayed and prayed for rain in our county, (multi-year drought) and prayers have been answered. Although the rain also brings its own challenges…hail on nearly ripe wheat, funnel clouds (we’ve never had those before in my memory) and the inability to even harvest the wheat so far. Guess you must be careful what you pray for!
We laugh about that! At church people will pray for rain for the farmers and we’re thinking, “The farmers don’t want rain right now!” Oh well. It comes with the territory. There are good years and bad years.
Enjoyed your post about hay and being thankful for the blessings mixed in of family and fun. Love the birthday cake. He looks happy about it too.