These Old Testament Scripture Mastery Flashcards are a great tool for learning the scripture mastery verses. One side contains the scripture reference while the other has the verse(s) all written out.
Game Suggestions:
1. Turn cards so all scripture references are face up and spread around on the table. Call out a key phrase. The youth race to put their finger on the right scripture reference. The first to correctly point to the card keeps the card. The student with the most cards ‘wins.’ May also play in teams with a team sending forward a new representative each time.
2. Play as above only turn cards so the scripture text is facing up. Call out a scripture reference. First person or team to point to the correct text ‘wins.’
3. Put either text or scripture reference facing up. Say a basic doctrine. First person that points to a card that falls under that basic doctrine keeps the card. This is great to let students explain how they feel a certain scripture teaches a basic doctrine. You might be surprised at their insights!
4. Use two sets of flashcards to play a matching game.
Instructions: To make flashcards cut along the dotted lines. Fold each strip in half so the scripture reference is on one side and the scripture text is on the other. Glue shut. You can laminate these or use wide packing tape to “laminate” both sides.
There are two different sizes of Old Testament Scripture Mastery flashcards. The small set measure about 2×2.5 inches per card. They are ideal for personal use or for small groups of 2 or three students.
The large Old Testament Scripture Mastery flashcards measure 3×4 inches and are better for groups of 4-6 students.
I recommend having several sets on hand for your seminary class! What other ways do you use the flashcards in your seminary?
Those are amazing!! Thanks! I cannot wait to use them 🙂 I’ll let you know how it goes!! How are things on the ‘new baby’ front?
Thank you so much for doing this. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your hard work AND allowing me to download this for free. Thank you thank you thank you!
I really really like this idea, I think we can have a lot of fun with them! Thanks for putting this together for our use! I did notice one mistake, however. One of your cards reads Abraham 2:22-23 and it should be chapter 3 instead of 2. Is there a way this can be fixed? If not, I’ll just use white out. Again, thanks so much!
Ack! You’re right. Both sets of flashcards have that mistake. Thankfully the posters I created don’t. At this point both sets have been downloaded about 300 times so I don’t think it’s beneficial to fix it. I will edit the post though to let people know. Thanks for alerting me to the error!
Alright, I’ll just white out then. Thanks again for creating this, and allowing us to print them for free. 😀 It really is amazing!
I was able to fix the files and update them without disrupting the download. Hooray! Thanks again for letting me know. Everything has been fixed in both sets of flashcards.
Awesome! I was just preparing to print them out. They look wonderful!
THANK YOU THANK YOU for your time and energy in putting these together and allowing us to download and use them!! Your the bomb!!
Thank you very much. They are perfect for my classroom use and I truly appreciate your time and effort.