Whew! Planning and thinking of new things to do, new ways to write out gratitude lists, new takes on serving or teaching kids to serve isn’t hard for me to do. It’s the actual creating, gathering graphics, and putting it all together (including taking pictures for blog posts) that takes a HUGE amount of time! I don’t mind though as it gives me something to do while I nurse baby Henry.
Can I pick your brains for a bit? I’ve got an idea in the works that I need some help with. I’m creating worksheets to help you count your blessings. I’m doing it by categories and have collected about 20 so far. My goal though is to get close to 100 (is that possible?) so that by the time you are done filling them out a little at a time you will have written down 1,000 blessings or things you are grateful for in your life. The basic premise is there will be boxes with space to list things in that category. For instance you will write ten things that are red, ten songs/hymns, ten sounds you hear, etc. On each page will also be a box for ‘extras’ because sometimes you can think of more than ten blessings (more than ten people you are grateful for, more than ten books, etc). Take a look at my rough hand drawn sketch.
Obviously I will be doing better looking ones with my graphic design program on the computer. This is to get a general idea. Now here’s my list of categories so far:
Deceased People who have influenced you
Living People
Scripture Verses
Modern Inventions
Things in Nature
Items of Clothing
Things that start with the first letter of your name
Things that start with the first letter of your last name
About Today
You feel/touch
Sounds you hear
Household items
In the room
Physical Abilities You Have
Kindnesses Others Have Shown You
Experiences From Childhood
About the Gospel
Places you have visited
If I counted right that’s 29 categories! What else would you add to help others think about and write what they are grateful for? Please leave ideas in the comments.
Now for the winners of the Joy-In-a-Box!
Congrats to Kim and Chelsea! You will each receive TWO Joy-In-a-Box packages, one to keep and one to give away to someone who needs a little lift-me-up in their life. Look for an email from me (cranialhiccups@gmail.com) so I can get your mailing addresses.
Great idea!
Moments that make you smile
Tender Mercies
Milestones accomplished by kids or yourself (we don’t always give ourselves enough credit for what we do or accomplish)
Milestones is a great one! So are the others but as you mentioned we don’t always give ourselves credit for accomplishments.
Trials or hard things you’ve experienced?
Definitely add that to the list.
Talents I’ve been given, Skills I’ve learned, Friends from my life-past and present
Talents is a good one! We sometimes forget to look at what we can do – goes with skills too.
Tastes, things I’ve made, opportunities to serve, ancestors, places I have been, things that I have never had to experience, modern conveniences.
These are all great! I especially love ancestors. I know I have learned and come to appreciate so many of mine!
Websites you enjoy visiting , a skill that took a lot of time to aquire. A way of serving that others often ask your help with could be mandane but they always ask you!
A Christmas tradition, chocolate you got that right 🙂
You know I could probably list 100 different ways I am thankful for chocolate – hot chocolate, chocolate chips, french fries dipped in a chocolate frosty, chocolate covered pecans . . . .
Memories from your childhood, memories from your house, the parts of your house you love. I would separate out nature too. I would have something like weather, experiences I’ve had outside, favorite time of year, least favorite time of year (I could probably think of ten things I was grateful for in summer–if I stretched myself 🙂 ), outside activities, outside food. I could do a whole gratitude page on the different times I’ve watched in awe at the light–the way the dust motes get lit up in the barn, for example, or how the sun makes my redheaded children’s heads glow. You probably already did traditions, but you could do Christmas traditions, July 4th traditions, summer vacation traditions. Strangers who’ve helped. One page for each member of the family.
Alrighty–I’ll have to think on this more. 🙂
Really great ideas! I can come up with another couple of dozen categories just with your suggestions here. Thanks so much Andrea!
lessons you’ve learned, things you’ve learned, talks or podcasts I’ve read/heard, favorite traditions, favorite family moments,, family memory, influences that have made me a better person today, freedoms/rights, political or leadership type people who influence me, famous art, flower . I second to take nature and some of the other ideas into smaller categories.
So many good ideas! I’m so glad I asked for help!
First, I want to say that this is a FABULOUS idea and I cannot wait until it is done. You are going to make it a printable, right?
My ideas to contribute if you so choose:
hobbies I enjoy
special gifts I’ve been given
ways God has provided for me/shown Himself strong
freedoms I enjoy
Having just discovered your blog tonight, I am excited to ‘jump on board’. 😀
Yes, they’ll be available as free printables by Thursday at the latest.
Your suggestions reminded me of the question I’ve heard we should ask ourselves, “Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch us or our children or our family today?”
Answered prayers, blessings of paying tithing, miracles…
Love this idea! We’ve been creating lists in our family for the past few weeks. I haven’t read through all the responses, so sorry if I’m repeating what someone else has already said. How about:
– 10 things you love about winter, spring, summer, fall (or 10 things you love to do in each season)
– 10 teachers who made a difference in your life (church, school, music, etc.)
– 10 things that make you great/10 things you love about yourself
– 10 apostles/prophets/church leaders/scripture figures who have influenced your life
– 10 favorite desserts
– 10 things you love about wherever it is you live
– 10 neighbors or friends you’re grateful for
– 10 games you love to play
– 10 childhood friends
Art. I would say this means works of art/ sculpture that speak to you. I’d say the Pieta, for example.
Montserrat, I’m working on my talk for next Sunday and came across a quote I thought you’d enjoy. It goes along perfectly with the gratitude lists.
President J. Reuben Clark said, “Hold fast to the blessings which God has provided for you. Yours is not the task to gain them, they are here; yours is the part of cherishing them” (Church News, 14 June 1969, 2).
Oh Liz, I LOVE that! Now I’m going to have to make a printable with that quote. 😀 Thanks for sharing that with me!
Good luck on your talk!
Favorite Christmas Carols
General Conference Talks that changed your life
Promptings you are glad you followed
Fun project – looking forward to seeing the final result
What a great project! These may be repeats, but here are some that come to mind:
Past decisions you’ve made
Special things about each season of the year (x4)
Lessons learned (there may be a different title for this but it would include little truisms you’ve internalized that help you in the future…”consistency is key” “things always look better in the morning”)
Talents others share with you
Memories with your favorite person
Funny memories
Hopes for the future
Wow, you’re fast! And I’m slow.ly catching up on your blog. Off to download the lists! Thank you. 🙂