I am so excited to be teaming up with SugardoodleShop.com to bring you this wonderful advent to go along with the #ASaviorisBorn Christmas message! There are only 12 days so you can choose to start now or wait and start on the 12th or 13th of December depending on whether you want to end on December 24th or 25th.
To begin you need to download and print this simple pennant. Hang it where it will be seen by all who enter your home.
On the back of each flag of the pennant is a theme and scripture for the day. You can stop right there if that is all you want to do with your family. Read the scripture and talk about the theme. It will take only five minutes max and you will have spent some time focusing on the reason we celebrate Christmas.
If you are longing for a little more to do each day here’s a look at the supplies you will need.
Come back to the blog each day to download that day’s activity suggestion! There are beautifully illustrated cards to add to your pennant as well as simple but meaningful activities to do with your family.
Day 1: Mary, the Mother of Jesus
The advent starts where it all began, with Mary. Download the file for Day 1 and follow the instructions to watch a video, bake a treat, and share it with neighbors.
Here are the downloads for the rest of advent as each day becomes available.
Day 2: Proclaim the Savior’s Birth
Day 4: Read of the Savior’s Birth
Day 6: Picture a Savior is Born
I am excited to do this. Disappointed I can’t print it all today as I have to come to my moms as my color printer is dead. But should still have time to print it all before we start… Lines around the pendants are very hard to see to cut out they are very faint. If you can make them a little darker it will be easier to cut out. Looking forward to tomorrow to see day two!! Then will come to my moms Saturday and print off days 2-4!!!