Facts and statistics are fascinating to me. I love numbers. I love seeing what others are interested in. Looking at the top dozen posts for the year didn’t disappoint. I was pleased to see there was a variety and that they all didn’t focus on one thing. Printables were a biggie with summer reading charts, The Ultimate Gratitude Journal, Old Testament Scripture Mastery printouts and General Conference quotes all making the list. A few surprises were the homeschooling advice and DNA posts. So what were the most read posts published in 2015 here on Cranial Hiccups?
12. (Tie) Summer Reading Charts – Three summer reading charts each different: HOW or WHERE to read a book, CHARACTERS or OBJECTS in books, WHERE a book takes place. Great way to keep your kids reading!
12. (Tie) My Favorite Hot Chocolate Recipe – Perfect for the wintry days ahead. Made with cream, chocolate chips, and milk. YUM!
11. The Ultimate Gratitude List – This has been one of my favorite projects to date! How many things can you list that you are grateful for? Can you get to 1,000? With the prompts in this free gratitude list packet you can.
10. DNA, Ancestry and Who You Are – We all want to know where we come from, what makes us us. DNA testing is a fascinating way to see what you are made of. Even among siblings the results can be vastly different!
9. My Top 5 Pieces of Homeschooling Advice – I need to constantly remind myself of the advice on this list!
8. The Art of Homemaking – The art of homemaking is done in the simplest of gestures, in what most would label the mundane tasks of life – clean sheets or fresh flowers in a vase.
7. Fathers and Mothers Matter – Fathers and mothers have unique roles that when used together create an ideal environment for children to flourish.
6. Preparing for a Newborn When you Have Other Kids too – Preparing for a newborn can be hard to do especially when all of our kids are still young. We don’t want anyone to feel neglected or forgotten but it feels so overwhelming when the multitudes are wanting and needing our attention all at once!
5. Filling Our Homes With Light and Truth FHE – Based on Sister Cheryl Esplin’s April 2015 General Conference talk this lesson uses a simple object lesson to teach our families the importance of filling our homes and our lives with light and truth.
4. Moms Should Dress for Success – Mothers very easily fall into the mindset of “Can I just stay in my pj’s all day?” because most days the only ones who see us are our kids and husband. Why bother trying to look nice when your day is spent wiping up spills, folding laundry, and holding littles who like to pull hair (or earrings)? Why bother?
3. Old Testament Scripture Mastery Verses – Posters and Flashcards – the posters and all-on-a-page sheets are extremely popular but so are the large and small flashcards!
2. October 2015 General Conference Printables – one quote from every talk in General Conference! Great for memorizing or reviewing what we were taught.
1. Defend Traditional Marriage – By far the most widely shared post this year because of the Supreme Court ruling allowing same-sex marriage. It explains why I will always be a defender for the time tested, God approved marriage of a man and a woman.
Do you have another link or post about the t-shirt to skirt pattern? The link in the original post doesn’t work anymore.