Looking for a cute gift to give to your ministering sisters or Young Women? General Conference notebooks are great! And useful. Pair them with a couple of cute pens and some snacks and you have a lovely way to remind someone to watch General Conference.
General Conference notebooks are also perfect for Young Women to use as a value project. They put their notebook together, choose a value (Faith, Choice & Accountability or Knowledge all work well), and then watch all of the general sessions of Conference (and re-watch the Women’s session) taking notes on what is said about that value or impressions they receive for themselves to improve in that area. After General Conference the young women write up a summary of what they learned. They have easily spent over 10 hours on their value project!
Here are the supplies you need for creating your own General Conference Notebook:
- Composition Books
- Clear Packing Tape
- Scissors
- Modge Podge
- Sponge Brush
- General Conference Speaker Tabs (Download at bottom of post)
Using modge podge and scrapbook paper, decorate the outside of the composition book however you desire.
Cut out the General Conference speaker tabs.
Apply the speaker tabs by using wide clear packing tape. It covers the whole tab with extra around the edges to adhere it to the edge of the page. The packing tape is slightly staticky so its easiest to lay a tab on the table or counter and hold the piece of tape just above it. The tab will cling to the tape then you can line it up just right on the page. Make sure the name sticks off the edge of the page to create the tab. Fold the tape over the back of the tab and onto the back of the page. Cut off the extra tape on the edge by the name.
Here’s a little video to show how I apply the tabs. The tape “laminates” the tab as well as sticks it to the page.
Turn several pages before applying the next tab. This allows you to have room for several years worth of notes for each speaker. Apply the next speaker tab lower on the page than the previous one so you can see the name on the tab. Six tabs will fit perfectly down the side of a regular sized composition book.
Along with speaker tabs for each of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles I’ve included tabs for the General Relief Society, General Young Women, General Primary, Presiding Bishopric, General Sunday School, General Young Men, and Other Speakers. Use whatever you see fit. After all the apostle tabs I used the Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary tabs because of the Women’s Session and then just used the Other Speakers tab.
I’ve created tabs with two styles of writing – calligraphy or regular print. Download the one you want and start crafting! Also included are two different styles of labels for the front of your General Conference Notebook.
UPDATED SPEAKER TABS! I have updated the speaker tabs to add Elder Patrick Kearon as well as the newest changes to the General Relief Society, General Young Women, and General Primary presidencies.
Great idea! I might adapt for our Girl Scout Catholic religious emblem work.
Thank you so so so much for these WONDERFUL printables.
For conference my daughter & I get 15 little treats and we put an apostle’s picture on each treat.
Then when that person speaks, we eat that treat.
I could not find ANYTHING with all the new apostle’s pictures, until I came to this sight.
These are PERFECT!
You’re an ANGEL! 🙂
We’re making ours today. Thank you!!
I have Never thought of organizing notes by speakers but I really like it as you have all their thoughts nicely collected. I just always write in my journal but I do like this! Maybe I could have my Primary-age girls make books like this for their Faith in God. Anything that encourages listening to and studying the prophets’ words is terrific (as long as it really keeps the focus on the content)! Thanks!
Any chance you would be willing to update the presidencies to the current ones? These are the best and I would love to use them. I am computer illiterate and have no idea how to change the pictures. Thanks so much
Yes! I will definitely update them before the next General Conference.
These will work great with the journals that we are using in Activity Days. Thank you for your time and effort in making our projects easier.
Any chance you’ll be updating this again for the new Presidencies? If so, could you email it to me? I know we’ll be getting some new apostles at this next conference, but I was hoping to make this with my girls for the April Conference. Thanks!
Yes, I will be updating them. I was going to wait until after conference but I can start on the new First Presidency and email those to you when I have them completed.
Could I get an email with the updates as well? I’m the personal progress advisor for my ward and our PP activity will be for general conference the Tuesday before.
Thank you!
Sure! I’m working on it later today. I hope to email them to you tomorrow.
Thank you so much! I love my General Conference notebook!
Thank you SO MUCH for the updated pictures! I’ve been searching for HOURS for an updated one. I’m so thankful for people like you sharing your talents! We’re doing this for our PP activity on Tuesday! You’re awesome!
You are so welcome! Enjoy making them with the young women!