How glorious to know that because of Jesus Christ we will be with our loved ones again.
How magnificent to realize He has swallowed up our sorrows.
How blessed to feel His love for me.
The wondrous works thy hands have wrought,
The majesty of thy being,
Doth cause within my humble heart,
A peaceful quiet knowing.
Thou art my Savior, my Master, my Healer,
My soul from sin redeem.
Oh, beautiful Lord, my Rock, my Pillar,
Thou King of all supreme!
Thy suffering pains no man could share,
In agony that night spent!
And still, next day, the cross to bear,
That all mankind might repent.
Three days thy body lay in tomb,
My Lord, the Anointed One.
What joy is found, the empty tomb!
Victory over death is won!
Thou art my Savior, my Master, my Healer,
My soul from sin redeem.
Oh beautiful Lord, my Rock, my Pillar,
Thou King of all supreme!
My sins are great, my soul doth grieve,
“O wretched man that I am!”
Yet, in thy bosom, sweet reprieve,
Cleansed by the blood of the Lamb!
The happiest of Easters to you!
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