In the April 2016 General Conference Elder Donald L. Hallstrom said, “Here on earth, we identify ourselves in many different ways, including our place of birth, our nationality, and our language. Some even identify themselves by their occupation or their hobby. These earthly identities are not wrong unless they supersede or interfere with our eternal identity—that of being a son or a daughter of God.”
You are a child of God! This is one of the most important truths we can teach our children. Once armed with that knowledge our decisions become easier to make.
As you teach this family home evening lesson you will have your children look in a mirror to describe what they see and who they look like. You will also discuss the attributes of God and how we can be more like Him as we are more kind, loving, and merciful.
Older children will learn about the experience Elder Hallstrom had in Liberia and will sing and work on memorizing the 7th verse to How Firm a Foundation.
To expand the lesson even further you and your teens will read and discuss this amazing talk by Sherri L. Dew, Knowing Who You Are – and Who You Have Always Been. What do you do with the knowledge that you are a child of God? It changes your life!
As part of this lesson the whole family will watch this Mormon Messages video.
You can download the lesson including the printables shown in this post below.
Looking for more family home evening lessons based on April 2016 General Conference talks? Check out these other bloggers! Their posts will show up throughout the day on their blogs.
Camille at Chicken Scratch ‘n’ Sniff covers Elder Oaks talk in this Opposition Helps Us Grow lesson.
Emilie at A Year of FHE covers Elder Andersen’s talk in this Reaching Out to Non-Traditional LDS Families lesson.
Nicole at Family Locket covers Elder Cook’s talk in this See Yourself in the Temple lesson.
Lindsey at Side by Side Learning covers Elder Owen’s talk in this lesson The Greatest Leaders are the Greatest Followers.
Diana at Blue Bird’s Nest covers President Monson’s talk in this Choices lesson.
What a great lesson! We just got to watch conference this weekend (because of the time difference) and I’m excited for FHE lessons to reinforce it. This one is perfect because it’s such an important bedrock topic.
Great idea with the mirror. I’ve been wanting a print out of verse 7 from that hymn- I love it. Thanks so much for sharing your talents!
Super cute printables!