“Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.”
If you are a long-time reader of my blog it’s no secret I love my ancestors! I enjoy learning everything I can about them. Their stories, their triumphs, their trials – all are a part of me.
Our latest family history project has been creating a book for Marie to take on her mission. It’s hard whittling down their stories to bare basics with a few good experiences thrown in! Thankfully many of our ancestors stories have already been recorded and shared on FamilySearch. It makes it so much easier to copy and paste rather than type everything out.
We are making sure to include at least one picture of each ancestor as well. I love looking at their faces, the details in the photographs, and wondering what was going in their lives when the picture was taken.
One of the great features on FamilySearch is seeing the photos that distant relatives upload for my ancestors. Some I have never seen before, others are better quality than the copies I have. I love this connecting across generations and between generations!
I decided to create a download to go along with today’s post. You can do what we did at the top and print it off then glue pictures of your ancestors around it before framing it. It is 8×10. Or you can print it off and trim it down to the 5×7 size and frame it to hang with your other ancestor pictures.
I love this saying because no matter what type of people our ancestors were their choices and decisions do make an impact on our lives today. We have the choice to focus on the good while acknowledging the bad. And we can do our best to pass on the good qualities.
My Word! Does Ira ever look like Pedro Ramon Francisco………….
I know! And that’s 4 generations back for Ira. Funny what genes come through, isn’t it?