Meet little Thea. I know you have already met her but meet her again! Isn’t she just darling?
The mitochondrial DNA she carries has been passed down from mother to daughter for thousands of years. But that is not all that links us together.
Thea has now become part of a long-line of faith filled and faithful women.
Strong women who have had to persevere through hardships of all sorts.
Gentle women who know how to soothe a crying child.
Praying women who believe the Lord will provide.
Working women who lose themselves in service to family, friends, and strangers.
The years between innocent infant to a woman weathered with age and experience hold countless tales, some recorded, most not. Instead they are kept captive in hearts who have loved, been broken, hurt deeply, expanded joyfully, and watched. Just watched and wondered at this glorious experience called life.
“We ask again thy blessing on the women in all the land, that they may accomplish the measure of their creation as daughters of God, Thy offspring. Let the blessings of Sarah, Huldah, Hannah, Anna, and Mary the mother of the Son of God, bless these women to fulfill their duties as did Mary. . . and let the power and satisfactions of the prophetesses and holy women rest upon these mothers as they move forward to fulfill their destinies.” (Spencer W. Kimball, “The Prayer of Rededication,” Church News 15 Nov. 1975)
I realize how unique our situation is to have five generations and not just four. My grandmother will be 95 in just a few weeks. My mother is her eighth child out of twelve. The fact that I married young and that my oldest is also married and now has her first makes this all possible. We could not pass up the blessed opportunity to be together and record this unforgettable gathering of generations. From 1921 to 2016 there has been a lot of living and loving!
“To all of our mothers everywhere, past, present, or future, I say, “Thank you. Thank you for giving birth, for shaping souls, for forming character, and for demonstrating the pure love of Christ.” To Mother Eve, to Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel, to Mary of Nazareth, and to a Mother in Heaven, I say, “Thank you for your crucial role in fulfilling the purposes of eternity.” To all mothers in every circumstance, including those who struggle—and all will—I say, “Be peaceful. Believe in God and yourself. You are doing better than you think you are. In fact, you are saviors on Mount Zion, and like the Master you follow, your love ‘never faileth.’” I can pay no higher tribute to anyone.” (Jeffrey R. Holland, Behold Thy Mother, Oct 2015)
I try not to be envious–but the only way for five generations to be in one picture is for oldest daughters to marry young and for all the older women to live very loooong lives.
I married at 30, (not by choice by the way, I really wanted to get married right out of high school, but you can see how that worked out) our daughter (the first born) is 27 and still not married, and all the grandmas have graduated and gone home.
Your photo is a treasure, thanks for sharing!!!!
We are quite lucky since my mom is the 8th child. And yes, my grandmother is weeks shy of 95. Very long life!
I love these pictures and the quotes. I love being a woman. I love your thoughts about the stories hidden within those aging hands. Beautiful!
Love it. I know we are talking about all the wonderful women here but thea looks like grandad!!
This is truly a beautiful post! The photos are precious and amazing!
What a beautiful tribute and what beautiful women!!
Loved this. Powerful and beautiful. It will be a treasure for your little Thea.
Sometimes the everyday challenges of being a mother wear us down. Thank you for sharing these beautiful words and pictures to remind us all of the eternal significance of our lives and the reality of eternal families.
This is so awesome. I was able to get a 4 generations photo when my daughter was 6 months old (nearly 8 years ago). It has become so much more of a treasure since my grandmother passed away earlier this year.
I’m one of the oldest in my family, and I started my family young. If my daughter marries and begins her family young and has a daughter who does the same, it’s possible that many years down the road we could have the unique opportunity to get a 5 generation photo. That would be so neat.
wow! those pictures are priceless and precious and really touched my heart. Your words too reflect such an eternal perspective. Thank you for sharing. Lovely.