Oh, I just loved this latest session Women’s session of General Conference! My favorite talk was by Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson. She is not afraid to tell it like it is and ask women to step up in their roles. She began by quoting President Russell M. Nelson’s talk from the October 2015 General Conference.
Sis. Oscarson then lovingly but boldly declared what we need to do as women and mothers.
“I worry that we live in such an atmosphere of avoiding offense that we sometimes altogether avoid teaching correct principles. We fail to teach our young women that preparing to be a mother is of utmost importance because we don’t want to offend those who aren’t married, those who can’t have children, or to be seen as stifling future choices. On the other hand, we may also fail to emphasize the importance of education because we don’t want to send the message that it is more important than marriage. We avoid declaring that our Heavenly Father defines marriage as being between a man and woman because we don’t want to offend those who experience same-sex attraction. And we may find it uncomfortable to discuss gender issues or healthy sexuality.
“Certainly, sisters, we need to use sensitivity, but let us also use our common sense and our understanding of the plan of salvation to be bold and straightforward when it comes to teaching our children and youth the essential gospel principles they must understand to navigate the world in which they live. If we don’t teach our children and youth true doctrine—and teach it clearly—the world will teach them Satan’s lies.” —Bonnie L. Oscarson
Oh how I love how straight forward she is here. It reminds me of one of my all time favorite quotes by James E. Faust. He said, “May we dedicate our lives to serving the Lord and stop worrying about offending the devil.”
We say we don’t want to offend this person or that person because of their beliefs but that is Satan trying to get us to stop teaching doctrine. We are disturbers in his plan to lead people away from Christ. Be a disturber! Teach doctrine with boldness. We can’t afford not to.
Sister Oscarson then ended by saying, “I pray that we may all see our true potential and rise up to become the women of faith and courage our Father in Heaven needs us to be.”
Sister Jean B. Bingham spoke on charity, on loving others, on being positive, and spreading positivity to others.
Sister Carole M. Stephens gave a stellar talk on applying the doctrine of the atonement of Jesus Christ to our individual circumstances. The Master Healer can help us when we we sin or when another person sins and causes us pain because of their choices. We don’t need to suffer in silence but can seek help, not only from Christ but others we trust.
Sister Stephens also reminded us we needed to have a bedrock understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf spoke on faith – what it is and what it can and cannot do and what we must do to activate the power of faith in our lives.
He told several stories to illustrate his points, including how the missionaries who taught his wife’s family did not give up when knocking on the doors of their apartment building.
The rest of General Conference will be this weekend. I am so looking forward to watching and listening!
All of this prints can be downloaded in one file below (without the watermarks).
My favorite quote from President Uchtdorf was, “Fourth floor, last door.” That’s how stalwart I will try and become.
It was a great session. I love conference, its the beginning of my holiday season.
Thank you! These are all beautiful!
Thank you so so so much for sharing these quotes.
You have such a TALENT for this.
That Mother Eve picture is STUNNING!