(WARNING: If you get squeamish at the sight of blood or open wounds please do not read this post!)
Hi Marie,
Do I have a story to tell you! I was helping mom cut potatoes but I accidentally cut my finger, too, because it was curled under the potato.
Do you want to see? I’m going to send a picture anyway.
I not only cut my finger but I cut the tip off.
I just about fainted. Mom had to carry me to the couch like a baby. A towel got wasted because of all the blood.
Dad and Mom took me to the ER. Mom found the tip of my finger still on the knife. We took that too. The doctor cleaned off the meat (tissue) off the tip that got cut off and sewed on just the skin to cover the wound while new skin grows over it.
He gave me two shots to numb it and the shots hurt REALLY REALLY BAD!
I’m fine now. And kinda happy cause now I have a cool story to tell.
Love you! I just remembered to warn you not to read this while you are eating.
Ira, with the shorter left pinky ?
Now, you’ll look like a lot of other farmers with shortened digits. One of the first meals I made for my new hubby, (100 years ago), I cut the tip off my thumb while slicing tomatoes. I can’t hardly see the scar anymore! Feel better, Ira.
So true. I’ve got a cousin who lost half a finger moving pipe (one brother pushed the pieces together while the other brother’s finger was in between) in the alfalfa field.
The warning wasn’t strong enough. Ack!!! My niece put her hand in a blender while my sister wasn’t watching (niece was old enough to know better), and the tip got shredded off one finger. It grew back, which surprised us all. Kids–how do any of them survive????
I’m not at all good with blood or medical crises so I always hope my hubby will be around if/when something should happen with my kids.
Should I change it to not just blood but bloody limbs? Sorry, Andrea!
It was more graphic than I expected. Maybe put “Graphic Content Warning”? That sounds kinda rated R, though, doesn’t it? Haha.
Well now, that’s a true adventure! So glad to know all went well. Praying there’s no subsequent infection and that the new growth will occur without incident. We are so blessed to have access to modern medical help. My grandpa chopped off the tip of a finger while chopping kindling for the fire; he lived on a tiny island where the arctic circle intersects the coast of Norway. I think his mother just sewed up the end of his finger and that was that.
And finally, whoever said that dull knives are more dangerous than sharp ones didn’t know what they were talking about. Dull knives won’t go through skin like a nice sharp knife will. Keep those fingers out of the way!
I cut off the tip of my left middle finger when I was 5. Welcome to the club, Ira!!! 🙂
I cut the side/tip of my index finger off while cutting up potatoes. The most interesting part of the story is that, of course, I screamed, and my husband came running…I told him what happened, he picked up the knife and found my flesh still on it, and then I had to treat him for shock (he was turning colors and passing out). So, while I’m spurting blood and in pain and needing first aid, I was treating him for shock!
I never knew I was good with blood and emergencies until I had children. Go figure.