Service. We all know we should do it. But sometimes it can be hard thinking of what to do, especially when you have young children. What if you had a way to help your family plan service projects you can do together and also individually?
Neisha, from Hang a Ribbon on the Moon, created this Christmas Service kit as part of the #LIGHTtheWORLD Christmas campaign from
It is awesome! The 28-page kit helps individuals, families, classes, quorums, and groups plan and implement anonymous service. Neisha took inspiration from Sister Linda K. Burton’s talk, “First Observe, Then Serve.” Here’s what’s included in the kit:
- Anonymous Service Activity Plan: Complete with lesson helps, scriptures, activities, and supply lists, this lesson plan is the perfect way to introduce the concept of anonymous service to a family with participants of all ages.
- Editable PDF December Service Calendar: Inspired by the #LIGHTtheWORLD 25 Days of Christlike Service Calendar for December, this editable PDF includes the #LIGHTtheWORLD service suggestions and can be edited to include your service plans and preparations.
- Editable PDF Service Planning Page: Designed for teens and adults, this printable has space for recording service ideas, plans for implementing the service and a journaling spot for recording feelings after service is complete.
- Service Planning Maze Page: Designed for children, this activity page has places for drawing/writing names of service recipients, drawing planned service activities, and a maze to the pass-along ornaments.
- Pass Along Ornaments: Print these ornaments on cardstock and leave them at the scene of anonymous service to share the #LIGHTtheWORLD message. Each ornament features a Christ-centered holiday message on the front and the #LIGHTtheWORLD logo on the back. They can be punched, and optional eyelet added to reinforce the hole and threaded with ribbon. Hang them on gift baskets and Christmas trees. Attach them to secret Santa gifts or pass them along while paying for the food for the car behind you in the drive-thru lane. Children can place them on a sibling’s pillow after secretly making their bed, or hang them inside a quietly emptied dishwasher to surprise a busy mom.
- Pass Along Ornaments Black and White Coloring Page: If children want to customize their own pass-along ornaments, print this page.
- Service Charades Game Instructions: Directions for preparing and playing Service Charades as part of a service lesson activity. There is numbered list of 42 different service charades for game players to use.
- Service Charades Game Cards: These 42 game card ornaments can be printed on card stock. The fronts feature colorful ornament designs, each of the backs has a service charade. Hang them on a small Christmas tree or spread them on a table for game play. Includes nine blank cards for your own charade ideas.
- Four 8×10-inch Pass Along Ornaments Posters: Print as photos and frame to add a Christmas touch to your home decor, or give framed posters as a part of your service activities. Reduce the size and print as note cards too.
See what I mean? So much is included to help you and your family think of ways to serve others. Use the Activity Plan, Planning Sheet, Maze Page/Coloring Page, Calendar and Service Charades game to inspire your family/class to serve anonymously.
Use the Pass Along Ornament Cards as you serve:
- Ask the cashier in a drive-thru lane to pass along an ornament when you pay for the next customer’s food.
- Tie one to a gift basket you deliver anonymously.
- Place one on a sibling’s pillow after secretly making their bed.
- Leave one behind after unloading the dishwasher for a busy parent.
- Put pass-along ornaments and treats on car windshields in a parking lot.
We have hung these ornaments on our Names of Christ tree in the kitchen and the kids are free to take them off to leave in the spots where they perform acts of anonymous service. To help my littler kids think of acts of service they can do we also printed off my Thanks & Giving countdown. They can share bubbles, give hugs, help clean, fold laundry, sing songs, etc. This is a wonderful lesson to do for family home evening to plan what you can do for the day of service on December 1st!
Download the First Observe, Then Serve Christmas Service Kit below! If you use these please share what you did on social media. Make sure you use the hashtag #LIGHTtheWORLD (edited: The files should all be in the download now. Thanks to those who previously left comments that the ornaments didn’t download)
Find out how others are using this kit here at The Red Headed Hostess!
Thanks so much for sharing my kit
These are beautiful! Thank you for sharing your talents!
Do you have the ornaments available in color too? They are absolutely gorgeous! I love your idea <3
The colored ornaments should be in a pdf as part of the zipped file. If you can’t find them let me know (just reply here) and I will email them to you.
Hello! The colored ornaments weren’t in my zip either- that particular pdf opens as 2 blank pages. Would love to use them with my lesson if possible!
I love how you have the ornaments out there ready to go so anyone can use them whenever they perform an anonymous act of service.