Oh sweet Henry boy. How did the time just slide away?
I want to cradle you in my arms forever stroking your soft hair as we gaze into each other’s eyes.
But you have other plans. Mostly.
You insist on getting bigger. Learning some words like “bottle” and “shoes” and “mom, mom” while still getting what you want with grunts – higher pitched for ‘yes’, lower pitched for ‘no’.
New skills are emerging. Climbing, “running” (oh it’s so cute how fast you try to move your short legs!), kissing, pointing, and waving good-bye.
I just love to watch . . . and wonder. What does God have in store for you? You are mild mannered yet persistent.
You laugh and squeal with delight in even the smallest of things.
And pick yourself back up when you fall. You keep trying. I hope you will always do that.
I also hope you will never get to be too big to be mama’s boy. To snuggle in my lap, to pat my cheek or twirl your fingers in my hair.
Because my heart won’t be able to take it.
How? How does the time slide away?
I love his little pucker, and his brother Gideon’s tongue always being out!
Love that top pic! And yes! When I compare all the years I’ve already lived with the many ahead of these little ones I feel almost overwhelmed with wonder over all they yet have to experience here!
A young woman once asked me which age of a child was my favorite. I thought alot about this, and there is no favorite age. Each age has its own special moments, from the first moments of being pregnant, the kicks, the rolls, the hiccups, through the delivery and holding that new life in my arms. Watching this bitty baby grow, make eye contact, coo, smile, reach out, snuggle into my neck. Rolling over, shaking a rattle, waving bye-bye, saying Mama and Dada, taking bites of my mashed potatoes. grabbing the spoon, turning the pages of the first story book.Then on and on as this special person grows, learns and develops: learns to help, care, share and love. Teens develop minds that think deep thoughts, ask hard questions, and make big decisions. As my children have grown into adults and parents of my grandchildren, there is no favorite age, every age is wonderful, and individually wonderful with each child. And grandchildren that have been welcomed into my family are an unexpected, but very welcome joy, whatever age they are. Right now I love being a friend to my adult children, and enjoy helping with their little ones as they grow into bigger ones. And the more challenging times, the sicknesses, the broken arms, legs and things, the tantrums, the defiance, the endless days and nights, the parenting fails, well, those are learning moments, and eventually, sources of great stories, and maybe even wisdom and laughs.
But you are a Mom, and you already know all these things.
Hahaha. I love the pitched grunting! Clever boy. 🙂 I can’t believe how big he’s getting. Same sweet little face and cheeks, though. The time does go too fast!
I hear ya!! My baby’s one already. I can’t believe it!