Do you have time to read? Maybe a quick article or two? I’ve come across several the past few weeks that I’d like to share with you.
Personal Improvement
Personal Ministry: Sacred and Precious is a BYU devotional given by Bonnie D. Parkin in 2007. It is full of wonderful insights on how to go about finding what your personal ministry – what your mission and calling in life – is. Some delicious nuggets include “Never suppress a generous thought” and “The work of the ministry is to do the work of the Lord on the earth” and “Don’t deny others the blessings of service. Allowing them to minister to us is another form of ministering.” Definitely a good read for a Sunday afternoon!
How to Stop Automatic Negative Thoughts is geared toward helping teenagers but really is a good reminder for everyone. Some great steps to help you realize when you are in a “thought hole” (a skewed perception of reality) and how to change that to accurately see what is happening and going on in your life. Great for a family home evening lesson not once but several times throughout the year.
Are you afraid of being bored? Of having your kids be bored? Don’t be! Being Bored is Good for Children and Adults.
My dad used to subscribe to Foxfire Magazine. I remember reading it as a teenager, loving the history, and especially the articles on how things were done in the “old days.” I don’t think I appreciated it as much as I should have. In 2016 it reached its 50th anniversary. Read more about it In the Mountains of Georgia, Foxfire Students Keep Appalachian Culture Alive.
I admit I cried while reading this article about Annie Glenn. She is an amazing example of looking for the lonely and downtrodden and helping them feel they are loved and not forgotten.
For Fun
You know I love learning about my personal ancestral DNA. I guess having so many kids also means my DNA is healthier? Research Suggests the More Children a Mom Has the Slower She Ages. I really think its true!
I love this! Some of my favorite blog posts from other bloggers are links to inspiring or noteworthy online reads. Thanks, I plan to look up and read each one!