I received a new calling last summer that has kept me really busy. So busy I haven’t had as much time as I’d like to post to this ol’ blog. I am the Stake Young Women President, which means my counselors, secretary, and I are responsible for helping the ward Young Women leaders as they serve the young women in their wards. The young women are girls between the ages of 12-18. They are amazing!
Ward conferences are starting soon. We get to visit each ward and branch (congregation) and teach the young women. We are excited to interact with them and the young women leaders!
The 2018 Mutual theme is Doctrine & Covenants 19:23, “Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me.” We split the theme into the four parts and are each responsible for teaching one. We created a simple Jeopardy style game with each of us coming up with four questions/answers. We don’t anticipate getting through all of them and it will be different for each ward we visit because we don’t know which questions the girls will choose to answer. We do, however, have some pretty great handouts for the girls!
To emphasis each section of the scripture we gathered items that would remind the girls to do what Christ invites them to do.
Learn + Listen + Walk = Peace in Christ.
LEARN: Take time daily to study the words of Christ, His prophets and apostles.
LISTEN: To music and words that are pleasing to the Lord.
WALK: Follow in the footsteps of the Savior.
PEACE: Jesus Christ is the source of lasting peace. Come Unto Him.
For “peace” we made velvet ribbon bookmarks. We attached doves to the bottom clamps and birthstone charms to the top clamps.
Our hope is as the young women use each of these items it will remind them to turn to Jesus Christ to find lasting peace. Not the peace the world offers but the peace that comes from God. No matter what their circumstances may be they can have that inner stillness and assurance that comes from faith in Jesus Christ.
The idea for these handouts came from a LDS YW Leader facebook group. I created my own files for the tags and mutual theme prints. I thought I’d share them here for you to use too!
The prints are both formatted to be 4×6. We printed them out and put them in mattes instead of frames. We figured it would be easier for the girls to hang up with tape or sticky tack to their bathroom mirrors or in their lockers at school.
The tags attached to each item can be downloaded below. There are six of each on a page.
Here are the links to where we purchased the products:
Velvet Ribbon (15mm wide – delivered from China in two weeks)
Clamps and Jumprings (16x6mm ribbon clamps)
What a fabulous idea! Thank you so much for sharing! I think I’ll use this for birthday gifts for the YW throughout the year
Gracias de verdad gracias por estas ideas….fueron maravillosas acabo de tomar el cargo de mujeres jóvenes , y me toca nuevos comienzos….esto me ayudara llenando el objetivo del lema 2018
Lovely ideas for introducing the theme, which I shall do tomorrow at New Beginings evening. Thank you
Thank you for these wonderful ideas ^_^