The October 2018 General Conference Jeopardy is done! Wasn’t General Conference amazing? Only two hour church starting in January and twelve new temples were announced! Not to mention the invitation President Nelson gave to the women. You can watch all the talks here.
This version includes every single speaker from the four general sessions on Saturday and Sunday. Download the October 2018 General Conference Jeopardy game at the bottom of this post.
The categories for the first round are : Words of Wisdom, Stories Told, Doctrinal Mastery, Prophets & Apostles, and What Should We Do.
The categories for Double Jeopardy are: Lists Given, What is the Subject?, Funny Things, Words of the Prophet, and Grab Bag.
Also the Words of the Prophet category are all quotes from President Russell M. Nelson from this past conference.
Each team must have a copy of the scriptures! The Doctrinal Mastery category specifically covers Doctrine & Covenants doctrinal mastery scriptures quoted in General Conference.
Open the game in PowerPoint Viewer. Depending on your version of PowerPoint you will be asked if you want to enable macros. Yes, you do! You might also have to push “play” in the upper right of your screen again depending on your version of PowerPoint.
Click through the first screen to get to the game board. A student picks a category and a dollar amount. You click on that dollar amount and it will take you to the question. Another click will take you to the answer. THEN click on the green triangle at the bottom of the answer slide and it will take you back to the game board. Hopefully the question previously picked will now be dark and only the “unasked” questions will be highlighted. When you finish Round 1 you will click on the Round 2 box and repeat as above. When you finish round 2 you will then click on Final Jeopardy.
You will need to keep score as the powerpoint won’t do that.
Have fun!
UPDATE: There was an error in the file which has now been fixed. If you downloaded it before Monday, Oct.8 at 6:45am PST please redownload for the corrected game. Also the answer for Doctrinal Mastery 300 has been corrected from D&C 69 to D&C 64 in the pdf file but not the powerpoint.
I recommend downloading both the powerpoint and the pdf file.
Download the Powerpoint Game of the October 2018 General Conference Jeopardy below
Download the October 2018 General Conference Jeopardy pdf file below
Thank you!
Thank you!!! Just saved me a ton of time!
This is amazing! Thank you So much for the time you put into this. I’m very excited for Tuesday!
Awesome! Thank you!! We love this!
Great work and thank you…
Thanks so much!
Thanks, Montse! We enjoyed playing this tonight for FHE and appreciate your efforts in putting it together.
You are amazing! You put these together so fast every six months and we have a tradition of playing for FHE the day after General Conference weekend. We love it! Thank you!
There is one scripture reference that was wrong on the first round, Doctrinal Mastery for 300. It should be section 64, not 69. 🙂
Good catch! Thanks for letting me know!
This is awesome!! thank you for sharing!
Thank you for this game! Love it! Excited to use it for my class.
This is amazing! Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents in this way. I am ecstatic to have found this. This is my first year teaching seminary. I had created GC Jeopardy when I served in YWs and I know how time consuming this can be. I was procrastinating preparing my GC Jeopardy for seminary and then I find this! Yippee!
Thank you! I used this game at seminary this morning and it was just what we needed. Your time to put this together blessed our class…thank you!
Thank you for this!! I will be using it at mutual tomorrow night. Do you know how to get the numbers white again after clicking on them? I have been clicking them to try things out, but now several of them are grayed out. Thanks!!
Never mind, I figured it out. Every time you close out and open the file anew, it restarts. Thanks again.