Our Ventura Family Reunion was cancelled because of Covid-19. Instead of being at a cool cabin in Utah during spring break we all stayed at home in Nevada, Utah, Indiana, Kansas, Idaho, Virginia, and Florida and did it virtually. It was still fun!
Every day we did something different.
Monday we shared memories – of growing up, of grandparents, of funny stories, etc.

Tuesday was game night. We played Pictionary and Scattergories.
Wednesday was our talent show. There was singing, guitar/violin/cello playing, poem reading, whip cracking, and painting skills shown.

Thursday we all cooked Tortilla Española and Pan con Tomate in our homes, following the same recipe, and “eating” dinner together.

Friday was super fun. All week long each family worked on creating a video reenacting a story from our family history. This was a blast! It was great to see each family’s creative juices, what family history story they chose, and how they did their videos. This would be a great activity for any family reunion or even a church activity!
Here’s our video depicting an incident that occurred to my maternal grandparents when they were teenagers.
In case you missed the similarities between my kids and their great-grandparents at the end of the video here are the side by side photos.

All week long we had a Scrabble tournament going as well as a squats and most miles run/walked challenge. It was pretty great alternative to the real deal. Next year though, we hope to have our family reunion in person!
How have you stayed connected to family during this time?
What a creative, fun, and smart way to stay connected. Good on you!
Thank you so much for these ideas! Our family reunion was also cancelled this year due to COVID-19. I am going to have to see if we can pull off something like this! What videochat software did you use?
We used Zoom. Two of my brothers have paid accounts so we didn’t have any time limits. On Sundays we usually have Google Hangouts because it’s unlimited but the Zoom worked really well. Plus we were able to record the sessions.
Way to make lemonade out of lemons!
What a great idea!