Welcome to our celebration of the 25th anniversary of The Family: A Proclamation to the World!
I hope you enjoy the posts that will be published this week. Don’t forget to follow on Instagram (A Gospel Centered Home or Cranial Hiccups) or Facebook (A Gospel Centered Home or Cranial Hiccups). Memes and other testimonies not published here will be posted there.
To start off this week, here is a simple lesson you can give for family home evening tonight.
Sing: I am a Child of God
Teach: The second paragraph of The Family: A Proclamation to the World states:
All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny.
The scriptures teach us that we are children of God. Prophets and apostles have also taught that our heavenly parents love us and are very aware of us.

For older children/teens: Print off the quotes in the download below. Take turns reading the quotes. Discuss what you learn from them.
Ask the following questions:
- Why is it important to know we are children of Heavenly Parents?
- How does it make you feel to know you are a child of God?
- How would your life be different if you didn’t have this knowledge?
- Everyone around you is also a child of God. How should we treat them?
For toddlers/younger children: Watch this video of others singing, “I Am a Child of God”
Crystal from The Red Crystal has created this coloring page for us. Isn’t it wonderful? Print off a page for each child to draw their own face. As they draw, talk about how they are children of Heavenly Parents who love them.

I’m the red Crystal, and even after having 6 children (4 boys and 2 girls) I am still the only redhead in my family. I sew, bake, craft, photoshop and clean up a lot of messes. In 2019 after the prophet announced the news about the Come Follow Me program, the wheels in my head could not stop turning. I wondered what I could do to help my primary children and
families in my personal family ward to be more involved with the program.
I love photoshop and drawing, creating, teaching, so I put that all together and went to work creating CFM packets with coloring pages and activities that would help the families in my ward. Friends and other members of my presidency encouraged me to share it with others. My hope is to provide material to help children and families come closer to Christ.
You can find Crystal’s creations (they are AMAZING!!!) at The Red Crystal and also on Instagram here.
This is wonderful!
And Sister Red Crystal–I know how you feel, I have five children and two grands now, and I’m still the only redhead in the family.