RootsTech, happening right now for free, is a genealogy and family history conference that happens every year. Sign up! It’s totally free this year and everything is online to view. I have learned a lot already.
Major companies usually share their latest and newest innovations at RootsTech. Well, My Heritage shared a new photo tool they call Deep Nostalgia that animates the faces in photographs.
Take a look at these photos I shared on Instagram. Be sure to click through each one (there are six). Some of my kids thought it was creepy. And, I am admit, at first I thought so too. The more I watched the photos, though, the more amazed I became. It’s probably best done on photos of people you haven’t met in real life.
What do you think? Creepy? Cool?
If you have any interest in family history or genealogy, please sign up for RootsTech! There are hundreds of presentations (the list was 18 pages long!) and the Expo Hall has so many neat things to see and experience. All presentations will be available to watch for a year as long as you are signed up. Awesome, right? No need to try and watch it all now. You have time to browse and plan and just enjoy.
Wow! I didn’t find it creepy at all, I thought it was fantastic and want to see my own ancestors photos like that.