How in the world did half a year go by without any real updates on our family? I have no clue. We are as busy as ever homeschooling, farming, and living life.
Abby got a fall internship working on the grounds and landscaping of Old Nauvoo. Even though all the sites are closed to visitors the grass, flowers, and trees still need to be taken care of. She and I drove out there in mid-September.

While there we were able to meet up with my sister, Rebecca, and her family, and my brother, Pere, and his wife, Jeanne. You know we are related when we all wear the same color shirts without planning ahead of time!

Abby had some great experiences and learned a lot.
We held a tea party for the girls cousins and their dolls. They came all dressed up and crafted matching bracelets and fancy fans. We had mini raspberry muffins and mini lemon scones and pink lunch. It was super fun!

One thing I love about having friends who are smart is they teach my kids things I wouldn’t be able to. Jim Blattman taught science for years. Now that he is retired he comes and teaches my kids. Earlier in the year they learned all about rockets, building their own, and successfully launching and landing them without cracking eggs that were in the nose of the rockets.

This time he came and taught them about light and sound waves and why the sky looks blue.
For Halloween I only had to make two costumes – for Henry and Jason. Jason loves animals and wanted to be a parrot.

Henry is very into Robin Hood at the moment. My dad also loves Robin Hood. I remember our family wearing matching Robin Hood hats while watching the Errol Flynn version when it came on tv when I was little.

It was a fun costume to sew. He still wears it at least a couple of times a week, especially when he goes out to shoot the bow.
Gideon wanted to be a Texas Ranger. All I had to do for that was print off the badge.

Because of Covid restrictions most temples are closed. The Reno Temple is open only for those getting sealed (married) or receiving their endowments. Joseph and I were able to go when one of the young men preparing to go on a mission invited us to come.

It was wonderful to be in the temple again!
How would a person go about getting an internship in lawn care?
You can see what internships are available with the church by searching here: They had to apply and then go through a selection process that included interviews.
Thank you, very much.