I am so behind on posting all the new happenings. One of the best things this summer was the arrival of Avery Mila Harrison.

Isn’t she a doll? Her middle name is after my maternal grandmother, Hermila Lidia Salinas Alba. She went by Mila (MEE-la).

Gideon and I were able to go and visit a couple weeks after Avery was born. It was fun to not only spend one-on-one time with Gideon as we traveled but it was also wonderful to spend time with Eve and her sweet family.

Thea is so smart and loves to show off her “tricks” to anyone who will watch.

Caden loves dinosaurs. And food. And playing with the hose. And dinosaurs.
Congratulations! What a beautiful growing family.
She’s so beautiful! So fun to see your own child’s family growing!
Congratulations on your beautiful new grandbaby!