The youth in seminary this year are studying the Old Testament aligning with the Come, Follow Me study the church is doing. I LOVE THE OLD TESTAMENT! I love that all the stories point us to Christ in some way. We are reminded of the covenants God made with His people. We learn that He is aware of each of us right where we are at, whether we are Hagars being cast out or Samuels alone in the night. He is there calling us by name.
The Old Testament Doctrinal Mastery verses have been updated for this year. Instead of 25 verses there are only 24. When I taught seminary I used these posters and flashcards to help my students (and me!) learn the scripture verses inside and out.
These posters are all 11 x 8.5 inches so they can easily be printed at home or taken to a local print shop. Each one contains a doctrinal mastery verse word for word with added graphics.

When I taught seminary the kids liked to have all of the scripture mastery verses on one page for easy reference when we were playing games or I was asking doctrinal questions about them. This download has all the Old Testament doctrinal mastery verses in order going down the columns in a vertical page layout.

This download has all the Old Testament doctrinal mastery verses in order going down the columns in a horizontall page layout.

The next file has the doctrinal mastery verses four to a page to use as large flashcards or glue-ins to scriptures.

Finally I have these smaller flashcards that are great for games in small groups. These have the references taken off so it just shows the words of the verse. The other side of the flashcard has the scripture references.

Instructions: To make flashcards cut along the dotted lines. Fold each strip in half so the scripture reference is on one side and the scripture text is on the other. Glue shut. You can laminate these or use wide packing tape to “laminate” both sides.

Game Suggestions:
1. Turn cards so all scripture references are face up and spread around on the table. Call out a key phrase. The youth race to put their finger on the right scripture reference. The first to correctly point to the card keeps the card. The student with the most cards ‘wins.’ May also play in teams with a team sending forward a new representative each time.
2. Play as above only turn cards so the scripture text is facing up. Call out a scripture reference. First person or team to point to the correct text ‘wins.’
3. Put either text or scripture reference facing up. Say a basic doctrine. First person that points to a card that falls under that basic doctrine keeps the card. This is great to let students explain how they feel a certain scripture teaches a basic doctrine. You might be surprised at their insights!
I can’t express to you how much I appreciate your time, energy and computer abilities and your willingness to share your talents. I have 12 children, 19 grandchildren and 14 freshman and sophomores that I teach in early morning seminary in Delaware. Thank you from all of us you have blessed.
I think you did such a great job on these! I found them the other day and was excited to use them, but saw that I might have to update them on my own. I was thrilled today to see that you had updated them with the current DM verses! Thank you thank you!
THANK YOU soooo much!
This is so awesome. Thank you! I figured out another way to make these. If you print all of them once, then turn them over and re-insert them into the printer, you can print on the back side and it makes your flashcards for you. Just make sure the order and orientation are correct! Now I have 2 sets I can use in the classroom. I’m thinking maybe for a DM challenge, we can split into 2 teams and have each team lay out all the cards in front of them with either the reference side up or the text side up. If the text side up, I call out a reference and they have to bring me the correct text, or vice versa. I can think of so many ways to use these. Thank you!!!
I just downloaded these today. What a blessing it will be to share with my class. Thanks!
Love this stuff! Thank you so much for providing these items.
Beautifully done! Thank you for sharing!!
Thank you for sharing your talents with this first-time seminary teacher. I so appreciate not having to recreate the wheel with every lesson. Blessings.
New Seminary teacher this fall. These are beautiful and just what I was looking for. Thank you SO much, and thank you also for the game ideas!
These are fantastic, and I really appreciate you sharing them freely. I think a lot of us are trying to find ways to make Doctrinal Mastery more engaging for our classes, and these will help and save me a lot of time.
Thank you sooo much!!! I’m doing a DM review and these are perfect. I appreciate your time, efforts and generosity. 🙂
You are a true saint. Thank you!!
This is generous of you to offer for free. Thank you.
Thank you for taking the time to make these and for offering them to others to use for free. I have been looking for exactly this to help my seminary student.
This is great! Thanks.
Are these still available?
Yes, all the Old Testament Doctrinal Mastery helps are available. Just scroll down and click on the the download buttons for each.