If you recall, Abby and Carson were married on December 30, 2021 in the Logan Utah Temple. You can see photos from their wedding here.

In February we had a reception here in Winnemucca. I didn’t take very many photos because I was busy standing in the receiving line.
I gave my phone to Ira to take pictures and these are all we got. 🙂 I guess teenage boys aren’t into capturing memories the same way I am. Haha.

It was a joy to have Carson’s parents, Kristi and Justin Ellis, and Carson’s younger sisters, Joni and Layni come and visit the farm!

Eve and Patrick and their children, and Sara and Brigham with Arza were able to come too! It was a packed house with loads of fun playing, having tractor rides, etc.

We also received the fun news that Sara and Brigham were expecting another little boy due in July 2022!
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