Jason is definitely the animal loving person in our family! He makes sure all the chickens and ducks are taken care of, even when it’s not his turn for that chore.

He wanted to decorate his own birthday cake and decided to use his Schleich chicken coop and fox to creating a scene we know all too well around here.

The weather was slightly cold but not too windy so we were able to have a marshmallow roast over the camp fire with cousins to celebrate.

A few days later I took the kids to Big R where they each chose a duckling.

I think ducklings are some of the cutest baby animals! They squeak just like rubber ducks and waddle around, following one another. On a fairly warmish day we pulled out the swimming pool and let the ducklings loose. They had a great time!
We decided to get more chicks and ended up getting a total of 20! We got Rhode Island Reds, Easter Eggers, Plymouth Rocks, Australorp, Wyandotte, and a couple of Silkies.

When I brought that many home Joseph thought I was nuts. It proved to be a very good thing now that they are all laying eggs! Even though it’s the middle of winter we are still getting an average of 10 eggs a day and haven’t had to buy eggs. A box of five dozen is being sold at Walmart for $34.11. That’s outrageous!
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